How to customize the button style?

By default, the application uses the website theme's styles. If you want to customize the quote button style, follow these instructions:

  • For product page: Go to Online Store -> Themes -> Customize -> Select "Product" in the top selectbox -> Select a product template -> Select Quote app block in the left menu -> Edit quote button style

  • For collection page: We have to customize with CSS code. Please go to Settings -> Custom Styles -> Paste the CSS code (can contact us for help)

How to set it up so that only logged in customers can see the prices?
How to set it up so that only logged in customers can see the quote button?
Why do I not receive an email notification when the quote form is submitted?

The cause of this problem may be that you have not set up the receive email field and the response email field in Email Settings (Go to Quote forms -> Edit form -> Email Settings): https://quote-guide.storeify.app/create-and-edit-quote-form#email-settings

If you have done the above step but still do not receive notification emails, you need to do an additional step of configuring SMTP for the app (go to App backend -> Settings -> SMTP).

Please note: to configure SMTP for the app, you need to enable 2-factor authentication for your account and create an alternative password (app password), which will be filled in the password field in the app's SMTP menu.

If you are using Gmail, you can refer to the following instructions: https://quote-guide.storeify.app/settings#id-4.-smtp

Last updated