Advanced Features

1. Approve Quote Automatically

Quotes can be automatically approved in 2 cases:

1.1 Approve quotes and create draft orders automatically without any conditions

Go to Settings -> General -> Check the "Automatically approve quotes and create draft orders"

1.2 Approve the quote based on the customer's bargaining price

For this feature to work, you need the following conditions:

  • No hidden the price

  • Turn on the "Your price" feature

  • Set a discount percentage, the application will rely on this percentage and the customer's price to decide whether the quote will be automatically approved or not

  • [Required] Turn on the "Automatically approve quotes and create draft orders" feature

2. Auto send email invoice after draft order is created

This feature is useful in the following cases:

  • Store admin wants after Quote is automatically approved, an email invoice will be automatically sent to the customer

  • Store admin wants after clicking the Convert to Draft Order button, an email invoice will be automatically sent to the customer

To enable this feature, go to Settings -> General -> then check the "Send email invoice automatically after draft order is created" option.

3. Add Shipping (Advanced plan only)

This is an advanced feature that helps store owner add shipping fee options to the quote form for customer to choose from.

To use this feature, go to Settings -> Shipping -> enable the feature and set shipping rate.

You can create new shipping rates or use shipping rates already set up from your store.

After setting the Shipping rate option, the form will display as image below:

3. Quote expiration time, reminder email

You can set the number of days the quote will expire (the quote will be cancelled)

Go to Settings -> General

To set up reminder emails about expired quotes for customers, go to Settings -> Customer email notifications

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